Kiki and Nana

One day a cat lived with a new family in a big house. He sat on the sofa. And then, He saw a girl came closer.

“Woww. Look! Who is he?” the girl asked to her mom

“His name is Kiki. Our neighbor gives him to us.” Her mom said

“Oh yeah? You look so adorable Kiki. Let me introduce myself, my name is Nana. Nice to meet you.” She could not stop to stare Kiki. She is very love him at the first sight.

“Hi Nana. Nice to meet you too. I hope we will be friend until the end of my life.” He said.

“Yeah, I hope so. We will be friend and I am very happy to get a new member in this home because from now, I am sure that I will never feel lonely again.” She said with a smile in her eyes.

“Nana, I want to know your room. It will be fun if I could accompany you at night in there.”

“Of course. Follow me! My room in the second floor.” Kiki followed her

After that, they always spend time together. He always accompanies Nana in every single day. They are falling in love as a friend for life. When Nana wants to go to bathroom, she always asked him to wait in the front of the door. When she wants to go to sleep, he also sleeps beside her.

“Do you get sleepy?” asked Nana

“Yes, I do.”

“Hey, how’s your life?” she asked

“My life? It is marvelous because I have you in it.” And then he slept

“Me too. This life is very colorful since you are here.” She slept too.

Nana collected so many pictures between her and Kiki with various poses. Often, she uploaded in her social media.

Kiki is a new member in her family. And her mom also thought that Kiki is her child. She always feeds him with fish.

“Where are you Kiki? It is time to eat” shout her mom

“I am here…” replied Kiki from Nana’s room

“Here, do not waste the food, Ok?”

“Ok Mom.” Kiki ate the food provided

When Mama came to see Kiki with his food ... “Kiki, you have to eat it without leftovers!” said Mama

“I am sorry Mom.”

One morning when Nana in her school, there is a notification on her phone.

“My mom? What happened?” Nana confused

And then, her mom said that Kiki is die.

“Oh! I don’t believe it until I see with my eyes.” Unconsciously, Nana cried

When she got home, she immediately asked her mom. Is it true or not about Kiki.
But yeah, Nana couldn’t find Kiki in her room. He was die.


Cerita ini adalah sebuah kisah nyata yang dialami Nana. Coba tebak, kira-kira siapa ya Nana itu? 

Nana adalah seorang perempuan yang selalu jatuh hati bila melihat seekor kucing. Dicerita ini, Kiki adalah seekor kucing yang bisa berbicara yang Nana dan keluarganya pelihara. Mungkin untuk pecinta kucing hal ini sudah sangat lumrah tapi kau harus tahu, seseorang yang memelihara kucing tak lagi menganggap peliharaannya itu sebagai hewan, tak lagi memperlakukannya sebagai binatang. Tapi, ia menganggapnya sebagai keluarga.

Dalam cerita ini, Nana selalu menghabiskan waktu bersama Kiki. Misalnya foto bersama, ke toilet minta ditemani, waktunya belajar Kiki malah bermanja-manja membujuknya untuk bermain, ketika tidur Kiki ada di sampingnya, menjelang pagi Kiki selalu membangunkan Nana dengan menciumi mukanya, Nana juga selalu mengganggu Kiki ketika ia sedang tidur dan masih banyak lagi hal-hal yang mereka lakukan bersama. Jadi, terbayang dong ya bagaimana perasaan Nana saat ia mendapat kabar bahwa Kiki telah tiada. Namanya juga selalu bersama. Pasti jika salah satunya ada yang pergi akan sangat terasa kehampaan setelahnya.

Oleh sebab itu, saya sarankan untuk tidak menyia-nyiakan ia yang ada bersamamu. Kalau sudah tiada, kehilangan lah yang akan kamu rasakan. Hanya mengingatkan, ditinggalkan itu rasanya nggak enak lhoo.

I miss you
23 Oktober 2018

- Your Nana


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