
Showing posts from July, 2019

Never Change

Never Change by: NJ When I saw you two years ago I know that you will never go When I decided to choose you it means I just want you Somebody always asks me why don’t you leave he? Somebody doesn’t know how my heart works now

She is Cheerful Like a Fur

She is Cheerful like a Fur By: NJ If you hear she laughs beautifully Well you triumph If you see her lips curving pretty Well you triumph She likes a sunflower in the moon When beside you she feels like in the room Dancing in the wind She knows that you are not mean She is a white cat Around and surround you Licking your fingers and looking at you Without hesitate She is cheerful like her fur Feels tingling when tickled Her fur be a cure Feels safe when approached

Konsep Dasar Profesi Kependidikan

KONSEP DASAR PROFESI KEPENDIDIKAN Nurjannah Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, FKIP, Universitas Esa Unggul Jalan Arjuna Utara No. 9, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat 11510 Abstrak : Konsep dasar profesi kependidikan merupakan pengetahuan yang harus diketahui oleh para guru dan calon guru. Pengetahuan ini guna untuk membuat para pendidik dan calon pendidik paham apa itu konsep dasar profesi pendidikan sebelum akhirnya mereka terjun ke dalam dunia pendidikan. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep dasar profesi kependidikan yang di dalamnya terdapat teori-teori dari beberapa peneliti. Teori-teori yang dipaparkan memuat secara rinci, mulai dari pembahasan bagian-bagian terkecil hingga bagian keseluruhannya. Abstract : The basic concept of the education profession is the knowledge that must be known by teachers and pre-service teachers. This knowledge is used to make them understand what are the basic concepts of the education profession before they fina